Friday, November 19, 2010


    For my last blog I would like to share with you my beautiful wedding dress.  This was not something I thought I was going to get. I originally wanted a cathedral train, something with a lot of diamonds all over and so forth. But I got this dress over one leg and I fell in love with it. For me, it is just right. I told the lady we was helping me that I really don't want to try this on and she said listen there is nothing wrong with putting it on just to see what it looks like. If you don't like it you don't like it. But I loved it! I can't wait to wear this dress on the best day of my life...Our wedding :) My plan is to preserve it and use part of it to make a Christening dress for my children.


Wedding dress: A dress that a bride wears on her wedding day.

Cathedral: A long piece of material in the back of the wedding dress.

Originally: From the start

Train: The piece of material in the back of a dress

Christening: When a child get blessed and welcomed into the Catholic community.

Wedding: When two people are recognized as one.

Put the words in alphabetical order and use them all in a sentence.

Grammar Point:

I am going to wear something that means so much to me. Have you ever worn something that meant a lot to you? If no what would you want to wear? Use adjectives to describe what you want to wear or have worn.

I Can't Wait For School To be Over!

I am getting so excited that the semester is coming to an end. We will have a month off and I will be able to RELAX after work! I will continue with my wedding plans and actually have a life. I feel like towards the end of the semester I can't seem to enjoy myself because there is so much work to be done! I know I know about the papers from the beginning of the semester but with work and life sometimes the semester just flies by. But according to Dr. Oz it is healthy to procrastinate :) Which is my middle name.


Relax: to do nothing

Semester: 14 weeks in a collage course

Fly: go by quickly

Dr. Oz: A Doctor on TV

Procrastinate: To leave things for the last minute

Since we have been reading sentences and filling in the blank, it is your turn. Use the vocabulary words and write 5 sentence.

Grammar Point:
I wrote about something that I can't wait for. What is something you can't wait for? write a paragraph.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


The holiday session is approaching and I love this time of year.  Not only because I celebrate my birthday but because of all the traditions my family has.  Last year Anthony and I started our own tradition. During the time of Thanksgiving we cook the gravy (sauce), meatballs, and baked ziti for my family. My mom cooks the turkey but I feel within the next couple of years Anthony and I will pick up this tradition as well (Anthony and I are the cooks of the family).

Anthony and I started our own tradition last year. We had our first Christmas tree together. I am getting very excited to take the the tree out and start to put on the good old Christmas music and decorate our house.


Tradition: Something you do everyday, every week or every year.


Thanksgiving: A time that the United States gives thanks for everything that they have.

Christmas: A time to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Decorate: To make more attractive by adding ornament, and colour.

Put the vocabulary words in alphabetical order.

Grammar Point:

I wrote about my favorite time of the year. What is your favorite time? Write a paragraph about your favorite time of the year.

Does your family have special traditions? Write a paragraph about your family's special tradition/

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Night Outside

It was Wednesday night and I just got back from Danyi's house. Bosco was so excited to see his mom and he wanted to go outside to play. As I was going outside with him the door shut...OMG I was locked out. Anthony was working, I didn't have the house phone or my cell on me. Luckily Anthony was coming home in 2 hours when he was on his brake. So Bosco and cozied on up in the shed to stay warm and waited. When Anthony came home he thought something happened because I didn't answer any of his calls and all the lights were on. He felt horrible and all Bosco and I cared about was going inside and putting on the $3,000.00 fire place. By the way, I am so happy we invested in that.


Excited: in an aroused state

Shed:  outbuilding with a single story; used for shelter or storage

invest: Put money into something.

Horrible: A thing that causes horror

Answer: react verbally

That night I was locked out was_____________________.

Vincent was so __________________to find out his wife was having a baby girl.

The Guptar's _________________-their money in the stock market.

When we went to Home Depot we bought a _________________________.

The phone rang and I did not ____________________ it.

Grammar Point:

We have been talking about nouns. Write what a noun is, and then find all the nouns in the story.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A New Chapter

As I peer around my empty room I flashback to the 25 years that's I have lived in this house. My room was my world and my getaway when I wanted to be alone. Now that my 25 years have been packed away I ask myself would I change anything in my life? Do I regret anything? And if I could would I do it all over again? The answer's are simple NO! Yes I made mistakes but I have learned from them, I would not change a thing, and I would not do these 25 years all over again because I am so happy to be starting a new chapter in my life...Which is my new family Anthony, me and our son Bosco (my dog lol).


1. Peer: To look

2. Empty: holding or containing nothing

3. Chapter: any distinct period in history or in a person's life

4. Regret: sorrow

5. Change: Something that is different

6. Family: Your parents, sisters, brothers.

My _______________is going on vacation in June.

I am beginning a new ___________________in my life.

The weather ________________from this morning.

I have no_________________in my life.

As I _________________around the store I noticed a really nice dress I can buy.

My closets were______________________.

Grammar Point:

I wrote about starting a new chapter in life. Write a paragraph about a new chapter in your life, use adjectives to describe how you felt/feel.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Stressful Times

Although it was nice not traveling to work everyday this week, it certainly was not a vacation.  I had to depend on others to drive me places, sleep on the couch and Anthony had to blow dry my hair (he did a fine job by the way).  Despite all of my attitudes and emotional breakdowns Anthony and my mother have been here to be my left hand...literally.  By the way Anthony is typing every word I am saying.  Hopefully I don't lose any points :-)

1 Travel - change location.
2 Certainly - surely definitely or positively
3 Depend - count: have faith or confidence in
4 Despite - In spite of, notwithstanding
5 Emotional - any strong feeling
6 Literally - without interpretation or embellishment

1 Donna was ______________ scared when she saw the new horror film.
2 Once a year my family __________ to Europe.
3 Gladis gets very _________ when she reads love stories.
4 Rodger took his teachers statement ____________ when it was meant as a joke.
5 ___________ the rain, the baseball game went on.
6 When Ryan feels sad he could always _________ on his friends to cheer him up.

Grammar Point

Find all the nouns in the paragraph, list them and then write six sentences  with them.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Teaching is a rewarding experiance

On Tuesday I was collaborating with my 3rd grade teacher on what we were going to do for the week. The program I do in the afternoon is new to the school and I wanted some feedback. I asked her if she has noticed a difference with the students inside the classroom since I have been working with them. She said as a matter of fact I have, they participate more, they are comfortable with asking questions and I have even seen some improvements on their tests. after looking over the tests with her because I wanted to see them she said to me one of your students (I will not mention names) said to me the other day I like going with Ms. Conlon she is not just fun to be around and funny, she make things easy for us to understand. I get when I am with her. That was amazing to hear, even though I travel to the Bronx everyday and I don't get paid all that much...this is why I love my job and this is why I am a teacher, to make a difference.


1. Collaborate Verb:act of working jointly

2. Participate: To join in, to take part, to involve oneself
3. Comfortable:providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief

4. Improvement: a change for the better; progress in development

5. Mention: make reference to.

Grammar Point:

I wrote about my rewarding experience. What is yours? Write a paragraph about what your most rewarding experience is.

A Lovely $3,000 Fire Place

As some of you may know I am moving into Anthony's next week. In preparation to me and our son (which is my dog) moving in, Anthony has decided to make his house more like a "home". We have been painting, hanging up pictures and so on. One of the things he added was a $3,000.00 fireplace. Don't get me wrong it looks wonderful and it works like a charm but I could have bought 3 Louie Vuitton bags for $3,000, and that could have came with us when we moved back to Long Island.


1. Preparation Noun: The action of making ready or being made ready for use.

2. Fireplace Noun: an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built.

3. Home Noun: where you live at a particular time.

4. Louie Vuitton Noun: Person who designs handbags, shoes and accessories.

5. Long Island Noun an island in southeastern New York.

6.  Wonderful Adjective: extraordinarily good or great.


1. _____________________ is a designer.

2. A great place to visit in the summer is _________________________.

3. This weekend is going to be _________________.

4. Tracy's ________________is near the beach.

5. In__________________of the storm the Madison's boarded up their windows.

6. We have to get wood for the ________________________.

Grammar Point:

A noun is a person, place or thing. Name 3 types of nouns for each.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I Don't Understand...

I don't understand why I am addicted to the Jersey Shore but I am. Some people are addicted to Facebook, for me it's the Jersey Shore. Anyway, I was teaching my third graders on Thursday and at the end of the lesson I promised we can play a vocabulary game. One of the words was famous. I here this girl in the background "my brother's famous, my brother's famous". I go over to her and I go "O yeah, who's your brother?" She said "Roni". I turned as red as a tomato!! I personally think he is sooo cute! :)

Famous: (Verb) Well known.

Jersey Shore: (Noun) The beach in Jersey.

Facebook: (Noun) Social networking website.

Addicted: (Adjective) Dependent on something.

Promise: (Verb) To commit to something.

Personally: (Adjective) Without the intervention of another.

1. I am _________________ to text messaging.

2. Larry met a _____________ person on Saturday in Las Angeles.

3. Sue ________________ her mom she would clean her room after she watched Dancing With The Stars.

4. ________________, I don't like pork chops.

5. My family and I went to the ____________________ this summer.

6. _________________is not for me.

Grammar Point

"I turned as red as a tomato" This is a simile. A simile is a sentence using like or as. Can you write five similes?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

How I Met My Fiancè

I was 23 years old at the time and life was wonderful. I had made a decision that I was not going to get married and I was not going to have children. I was very happy with that decision and I figured men today are really not worth the stress. All I wanted to do was concentrate on myself and my career. My sister-in-law approached me one day about meeting this guy that was friends with my brother. As soon as I heard "friends with my brother" the thought went right out of my head. Not to mention she thinks Tom Cruise is good looking and I am more of a Brad Pitt kind of guy (minus the cheating thing).  Throughout the whole conversation I was just yesing her to death and mad believe I was paying attention, when to be honest I had no interest what so ever.
      Weeks went by and nothing was brought up about this guy who is my brother’s friend.  I thought I was in the clear, maybe she forgot about it I thought. Well I was wrong, my brother called me up and said to me they are having a house warming party and they want me to come. I can't bring anyone though. O no, I thought to myself I am being trapped into something I really don't want to do. How can I say no to this party? My family is extremely close we all live about 20 houses away from each other and there was no getting out of this. I put it on my calendar and decided if it's that bad I can leave and there will be a lot of people there that I know so I can always find someone to talk to.
      January 19th came along and I decided I was going to be a half hour late. I guess everyone else thought to be an hour late because when I got there he was the only one there other than me, my sister, and my brother. I thought o my!! We were introduced and then I automatically went to go and say hi to my sister and sister-n-law. The night went on and I thought to myself well he is very cute. Why not talk to him? I went over to the poker table and I was talking with some friends and then I noticed he needed a drink and so did I. I knew he wasn't going to go and get one until he finished his hand so I openly said does anyone need a drink because I am going to go and get one. He said he did. I got him a drink and there was a seat opened next to him, I gave him his drink, and asked if anyone was sitting there. He said no so I took a seat, he asked if I was going to play poker I said I didn't know how to play (which was a lie I play it on the computer all the time). He was teaching me as we were playing, which was very nice of him. So as we were playing we were talking about life, what we do for a living, where we hangout, normal conversation. After we were talking for a long time I thought I would get up because I didn't want to make it easy for him, and I also wanted to see if he would try to find me and talk to me again. I excused myself from the table and went to the bathroom, then I started talking to other people. He eventually came over to me and starting talking to me again. Nice I thought he is into me! He winded up driving me home (20 house down) that night. He got my number and we went on our first date the following week. We were together ever since. I knew I was going to marry him after our first date.  3 years later we are engaged, and will be getting married in April.

Approach (verb) to come near

Concentrate (verb) direct to one point

House Warming Party(noun) is a party that is held when someone moves into a new home.

Extremely (adverb) the greatest point

Automatically (adverb) acting quickly

Introduce (verb) to bring something to the attention for the first time.

Eventually (adverb) a long delay

Poker (noun) card game

Trapped (verb) to hold

Decision (noun) a conclusion

1. The boys ________________the squirrel.

2. I enjoy playing_____________.

3. Beth was________________excited about her graduation.

4. I went to a_______________on Friday.

5. After seeing the dog in the street Joe___________________stepped on the brake.

6. Louis had to make a________________about what color to use to paint the hallway.

7. Nobody can ______________in Mr. Wells classroom, it is too loud.

8. We could not wait to ___________________the cat and the dog.

9. _____________Jane moved out of her house.

10. The sales man _____________us.

Gramer Point:

Can you find all of the verbs in this paragraph?

Write a paragraph using 3 verbs.