Saturday, September 25, 2010

How I Met My Fiancè

I was 23 years old at the time and life was wonderful. I had made a decision that I was not going to get married and I was not going to have children. I was very happy with that decision and I figured men today are really not worth the stress. All I wanted to do was concentrate on myself and my career. My sister-in-law approached me one day about meeting this guy that was friends with my brother. As soon as I heard "friends with my brother" the thought went right out of my head. Not to mention she thinks Tom Cruise is good looking and I am more of a Brad Pitt kind of guy (minus the cheating thing).  Throughout the whole conversation I was just yesing her to death and mad believe I was paying attention, when to be honest I had no interest what so ever.
      Weeks went by and nothing was brought up about this guy who is my brother’s friend.  I thought I was in the clear, maybe she forgot about it I thought. Well I was wrong, my brother called me up and said to me they are having a house warming party and they want me to come. I can't bring anyone though. O no, I thought to myself I am being trapped into something I really don't want to do. How can I say no to this party? My family is extremely close we all live about 20 houses away from each other and there was no getting out of this. I put it on my calendar and decided if it's that bad I can leave and there will be a lot of people there that I know so I can always find someone to talk to.
      January 19th came along and I decided I was going to be a half hour late. I guess everyone else thought to be an hour late because when I got there he was the only one there other than me, my sister, and my brother. I thought o my!! We were introduced and then I automatically went to go and say hi to my sister and sister-n-law. The night went on and I thought to myself well he is very cute. Why not talk to him? I went over to the poker table and I was talking with some friends and then I noticed he needed a drink and so did I. I knew he wasn't going to go and get one until he finished his hand so I openly said does anyone need a drink because I am going to go and get one. He said he did. I got him a drink and there was a seat opened next to him, I gave him his drink, and asked if anyone was sitting there. He said no so I took a seat, he asked if I was going to play poker I said I didn't know how to play (which was a lie I play it on the computer all the time). He was teaching me as we were playing, which was very nice of him. So as we were playing we were talking about life, what we do for a living, where we hangout, normal conversation. After we were talking for a long time I thought I would get up because I didn't want to make it easy for him, and I also wanted to see if he would try to find me and talk to me again. I excused myself from the table and went to the bathroom, then I started talking to other people. He eventually came over to me and starting talking to me again. Nice I thought he is into me! He winded up driving me home (20 house down) that night. He got my number and we went on our first date the following week. We were together ever since. I knew I was going to marry him after our first date.  3 years later we are engaged, and will be getting married in April.

Approach (verb) to come near

Concentrate (verb) direct to one point

House Warming Party(noun) is a party that is held when someone moves into a new home.

Extremely (adverb) the greatest point

Automatically (adverb) acting quickly

Introduce (verb) to bring something to the attention for the first time.

Eventually (adverb) a long delay

Poker (noun) card game

Trapped (verb) to hold

Decision (noun) a conclusion

1. The boys ________________the squirrel.

2. I enjoy playing_____________.

3. Beth was________________excited about her graduation.

4. I went to a_______________on Friday.

5. After seeing the dog in the street Joe___________________stepped on the brake.

6. Louis had to make a________________about what color to use to paint the hallway.

7. Nobody can ______________in Mr. Wells classroom, it is too loud.

8. We could not wait to ___________________the cat and the dog.

9. _____________Jane moved out of her house.

10. The sales man _____________us.

Gramer Point:

Can you find all of the verbs in this paragraph?

Write a paragraph using 3 verbs.