Saturday, October 23, 2010

Teaching is a rewarding experiance

On Tuesday I was collaborating with my 3rd grade teacher on what we were going to do for the week. The program I do in the afternoon is new to the school and I wanted some feedback. I asked her if she has noticed a difference with the students inside the classroom since I have been working with them. She said as a matter of fact I have, they participate more, they are comfortable with asking questions and I have even seen some improvements on their tests. after looking over the tests with her because I wanted to see them she said to me one of your students (I will not mention names) said to me the other day I like going with Ms. Conlon she is not just fun to be around and funny, she make things easy for us to understand. I get when I am with her. That was amazing to hear, even though I travel to the Bronx everyday and I don't get paid all that much...this is why I love my job and this is why I am a teacher, to make a difference.


1. Collaborate Verb:act of working jointly

2. Participate: To join in, to take part, to involve oneself
3. Comfortable:providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief

4. Improvement: a change for the better; progress in development

5. Mention: make reference to.

Grammar Point:

I wrote about my rewarding experience. What is yours? Write a paragraph about what your most rewarding experience is.

A Lovely $3,000 Fire Place

As some of you may know I am moving into Anthony's next week. In preparation to me and our son (which is my dog) moving in, Anthony has decided to make his house more like a "home". We have been painting, hanging up pictures and so on. One of the things he added was a $3,000.00 fireplace. Don't get me wrong it looks wonderful and it works like a charm but I could have bought 3 Louie Vuitton bags for $3,000, and that could have came with us when we moved back to Long Island.


1. Preparation Noun: The action of making ready or being made ready for use.

2. Fireplace Noun: an open recess in a wall at the base of a chimney where a fire can be built.

3. Home Noun: where you live at a particular time.

4. Louie Vuitton Noun: Person who designs handbags, shoes and accessories.

5. Long Island Noun an island in southeastern New York.

6.  Wonderful Adjective: extraordinarily good or great.


1. _____________________ is a designer.

2. A great place to visit in the summer is _________________________.

3. This weekend is going to be _________________.

4. Tracy's ________________is near the beach.

5. In__________________of the storm the Madison's boarded up their windows.

6. We have to get wood for the ________________________.

Grammar Point:

A noun is a person, place or thing. Name 3 types of nouns for each.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

I Don't Understand...

I don't understand why I am addicted to the Jersey Shore but I am. Some people are addicted to Facebook, for me it's the Jersey Shore. Anyway, I was teaching my third graders on Thursday and at the end of the lesson I promised we can play a vocabulary game. One of the words was famous. I here this girl in the background "my brother's famous, my brother's famous". I go over to her and I go "O yeah, who's your brother?" She said "Roni". I turned as red as a tomato!! I personally think he is sooo cute! :)

Famous: (Verb) Well known.

Jersey Shore: (Noun) The beach in Jersey.

Facebook: (Noun) Social networking website.

Addicted: (Adjective) Dependent on something.

Promise: (Verb) To commit to something.

Personally: (Adjective) Without the intervention of another.

1. I am _________________ to text messaging.

2. Larry met a _____________ person on Saturday in Las Angeles.

3. Sue ________________ her mom she would clean her room after she watched Dancing With The Stars.

4. ________________, I don't like pork chops.

5. My family and I went to the ____________________ this summer.

6. _________________is not for me.

Grammar Point

"I turned as red as a tomato" This is a simile. A simile is a sentence using like or as. Can you write five similes?